Calendar - Manager User Guide

Created: August 2, 2016
Last modified: August 3, 2016

Calendar User Guide - Ghanalinks knowledge management portal

As a Calendar Manager, you have rights to add events to your institution/IP calendar. Sign-in to Ghanalinks Knowledge Management Portal and click on Calendar to get started.

Overview of the Calendar

There are two tabs on the page – ‘Calendar’ and ‘Resources’. The Calendar tab displays the events while ‘Resources’ aids to organize and check availability of resources that would be needed for the events indicated.

Types of Calendar

There are three types of calendar – personal, site and other - as shown by the arrows in Fig 1. For this purpose, we will focus on the site calendars.

Personal User calendar – this is visible to only the user and whoever it’s shared with.

Current Site calendar – displays all site calendars

Viewing of details

The calendar can be viewed by day, week or month as shown in Fig 2.

Agenda – shows details for events on the calendar

A click on the calendar will either show or hide the calendar. To hide the calendar, click on it for the colour to disappear.

Getting started

  • Set calendar settings (normally done once)
  • Add resources (if any)
  • Add events

Follow the steps below to manage you events

  • Set calendar settings

Click on the arrow by your calendar as shown in Fig 3 and select the calendar settings option as shown in Fig 4, the page in Fig 5 will open.


When Fig 5 opens, please leave the details as it is on the ‘General’ tab except for the description. You can discuss with the Ghanalinks Admins should you want the name modified. Fig 6 will show you how to edit the ‘Notification templates’.

Click on the ‘Notification template’ tab to edit the fields. The right side image is a continuation of the left side image; seen when scrolled down.


The right side image is a continuation of the left side image; seen when scrolled down. From the ‘Invite Email’ tab in Fig 6, indicate the Sender’s name and email address. To maintain this and not change always, you can use a Group’s name e.g Communication team or any name that shows who is sending. However, if the email is expected to always come from an individual, then an individual’s name can be used.

This general setting is not per event but applies to all events. The body allows you to copy and paste the definition of terms to form a sentence. This is what the invitees (have to be registered) will receive as email. You can modify the text in the subject and body to suit your email. Fig 7 shows the ‘Reminder email’.

From the ’Reminder Email’ tab, fill the necessary fields for reminders to be sent to invitees should it be required. The right side image is a continuation of the left side image; seen when scrolled down. Follows the same principle in Fig 6.

Adding Resources

Click on the ‘Resources’ tab and ‘Add Resource’ to add resources to the calendar.

Fig 9 opens after clicking the ‘Add resource’ button. Ignore permission since setting has already be made for Guest not to view this. The right side image is a continuation of the left side image; seen when scrolled down.

There are two ways to adding an event. Click on ‘Add Event’ or the arrow by your Calendar to add event as shown in Fig 10.


Figures 11 to 14 show all fields required for adding an event. Fill the necessary fields. The right side image is a continuation of the left side image; seen when scrolled down.

This page is a continuation of Fig 11.

Fig 13 shows resources availability and a continuation of Fig 12.

Fig 14 is a continuation of Fig 13. Fill the necessary fields. You can click on the ‘Related Assets’ to added already uploaded document, discussion thread or any page on the portal.

Viewing Calendar
Fig 16 is visible to only registered users.

Fig 17 is seen by the public; no event displayed.

Editing Events
Click on ‘Edit’ to modify event details. Ignore permission because of the reasons given above on the calendar settings.

Responding to Events invites
Invitees can use the options – Yes, No or Maybe – to respond to an event request as shown in Fig 18 or click on ‘View details’ (on Fig 18) to select ‘Accept’, Decline’ or ‘Maybe’ as shown in Fig 19 below.